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Giving All Students A Voice With Buncee!

It is always inspiring and wonderful to see how teachers around the world are using Buncee and other digital tools with their students in the library and classroom.

The tweet above is one that got our attention yesterday as we watched Tan Huynh (@TanELLclassroom) share a story of one of his students in Vientiane, Laos using Buncee.

We were so inspired by this conversation and couldn't wait to learn more!
This morning Marie, Sean and I jumped into a Google Hangout with Tan to hear the story of how his students are using Buncee, especially the one he spoke about in the tweet.
Tan used Buncee with a selectively mute EL student to have him communicate his understanding, as the tweet said.

Today he shared,

Buncee gives him freedom.  It gives him the freedom to demonstrate his critical thinking at a higher level. It allows his voice to be heard through different visual tools and gives him the freedom to not have to record his voice too.  When I gave this student a choice, he wanted to stay in Buncee because of the voice it gave him.  

He told us how he used stickers, animations, text and other elements of Buncee to share his knowledge of governments and make it come to life.

I love this story Tan shared and think about all the ways other teachers like Tan are using Buncee.  It truly does give all students a platform and voice to communicate in a creative, collaborative and connected way.

Thank you for sharing Tan.  We can't wait to see other ways your students will use Buncee and the stories they will share.  

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